产品中心 - Mpo/mtp生产设备系列MPO/MTP高清端面仪 RBTX-400GM
1. RBTX-400GM型光纤端面检测仪配有高稳定图像监控器(显示屏10’’)。
2. 用来检测多路光纤连接器端面研磨质量,清洁度或使用过程中产生的各种缺陷。特别适用于MTRJ,MPO MTP光纤跳线检测。也可用于检测普通单模(SM),多模(MM)光纤连接器,保偏(PM)光纤连接器和其他特种光纤连接器。4. 仪器高度清晰,放大倍速可达400倍。
1. RBTX-400X microscope is used with 10’’ monitor.
2. It is used to detect the defects of fiber optical connector end surface after polished or during the fiber usage, especially proper for detecting of MTRJ. MPO.MTP.connectors.It can check SM, MM fiber optical connectors, PM fiber optical connectors.
3. Connectors proper for checking: MTRJ MPO MTP etc.
4. Monitor is high definition of image. Showing enlarged 400 times, 200 times or 80 times.